Emergencies and Humanitarian Action
CARE has been implementing development and humanitarian programmes to address GBV. A Comprehensive Approach to Addressing GBViE – CARE has already developed a four-step approach to promote gender equality and women’s voice in the humanitarian action:
Rapid Gender Analysis: Using CARE’s RGA Toolkit, analyse the different needs and capacities of women, men, boys and girls during a humanitarian response, including their specific experiences of, coping strategies and response needs for gender-based violence (GBV)
Minimum Standards/Commitments: With reference to CARE’s ‘Minimum Commitments’ and the IASC GBV Guidelines, mainstream gender and GBV mitigation in all response sectors.
Women Lead in Emergencies: Ensure women’s voices count in planning and decision-makingYour Content Goes Here.
Life Free From Violence: Prevent, mitigate and respond to GBV, including domestic violence, in humanitarian crises.
Within the strategic objective and work on Life Free from Violence, CARE has four key intervention models to address GBViE. These are in line with existing organisational expertise and knowledge:
Create and manage ‘Safe Spaces for Women and Girls’
Provide adequate and appropriate gender-sensitive sexual and reproductive health services
Work with communities to shift patriarchal social norms and address the root causes, exacerbating factors and impacts of GBV in crisis contexts
Engage men and boys in preventing and addressing GBV
The establishment of Safe Spaces for Women and Girls (SSWG)
The establishment of Safe Spaces for Women and Girls (SSWG) has emerged as a key strategy for supporting the protection and empowerment of crisis-affected women and girls. A safe space is a place where women and girls feel physically and emotionally safe, free of violence (or fear of violence) or abuse; free to express themselves without fear of judgment or harm; and able to mobilise and find their voice and the space/forums to raise it. The key objective of SSWGs is to provide a space and platform where women and girls can:
Socialise and re-build their social and community networks
Receive social support
Acquire contextually relevant skills
Access safe multi-sectorial GBV response services (psychosocial, legal and medical)
Receive information on and referrals to women’s health services
Working closely with gender/GBV/protection, shelter/site planning and WASH colleagues and based on standards developed by the sector, CARE commits to establishing and operating SSWGs in emergency contexts as a central intervention of its overall GBViE model.
Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) Services
Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) Services -One of CARE’s core sector areas is SRH and the organisation has established considerable skills, experience and reputation in this area. Because most forms of GBV lead to health and psychosocial outcomes, the CARE SRHR outcome area has developed expertise in ensuring women and girls can access clinical services, i.e. the clinical management of rape (CMR), as well as psychosocial support (PSS). The SRHR team has expertise in building skills of healthcare providers in CMR and PSS using international standards; training community volunteers to increase awareness, identify and refer cases and provide PSS to those in need; and collecting and analysing data collected to make programmatic decision that are appropriate for communities we serve. CI Laos seeks to enhance more deliberate and systematic linkages between SRHiE and GBViE in practice and policy.
Change Patriarchal Social Norms
Working with communities to change patriarchal social norms and address the root causes, exacerbating factors and impacts of GBV in crisis contexts – CARE recognises the interlinking structural (e.g. discriminatory legal and institutional frameworks) and social factors (e.g. harmful social and gender norms), material realities (e.g. household poverty and lack of economic opportunities) and individual factors (such as inequitable gender attitudes condoning GBV, as well as individuals’ agency and aspirations) that prevent change in patriarchal social norms from occurring. CARE’s strategy is to work with crisis-affected communities to design and implement interventions and strategies that address the most relevant factors in any given context.
Engaging men and boys (EMB)
Engaging men and boys (EMB) – CARE recognises that women and girls are most often the targets of GBV, which is overwhelmingly perpetrated by men, thus justifying CARE’s approach to work with men and boys to mitigate this violence. CARE believes that it is critical to discuss issues around masculinity, including challenging aggressive stereotypes of masculinity. CARE will take measures to engage men and boys in GBV awareness and behaviour-changing initiatives and ensure that GBV prevention work also seeks to educate men and boys on the benefits to them, their households and communities of gender equality, dignity and respect for women.
As well as the four “intervention models”, CARE supports advocacy on policies, plans and programmes at the international and regional levels and, at the national level, ensures adequate GBV response in Humanitarian Response Plans and/or national response strategies. This is a synergy with the EMB intervention model and the Women Lead in Emergencies work under the CARE GiE approach.
See Below for Our Work Within the Emergencies and Humanitarian Action.
AHP Australian Humanitarian Partnership to response the COVID-19 in 3 Districts of Luangnamtha province
Key Activity:
- Procurement and distribution of the hygiene and nutrition kits for mothers and newborns, and children (for 800 kits) in CARE’s target districts (Sing, Long and Luangnamtha districts) Luangnamtha province;
- Support on the capacity strengthening for frontline health workers, Lao Women Unions officers, project staff on communities on psycho-social, Gender Based Violence
- Support the women on the economic Empowerment such as the VSLA setting up.
Location: Luang Namtha Province
Duration: 10 Months
START Fund -COVID-19 Emergency Response Project for Sekong, Luangnamtha and Phongsaly provinces
Key Activity:
- Procurement of basic medical and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to the target health centers and health workers in CARE’s target districts of Sekong, Luangnamtha and Phongsaly.
- Collaborate with Center for Health Information and Education Center (Ministry of Public Health) to promoting key messages of COVID-19
- Collobrate with local government in CARE’s target districts of Sekong, Luangnamtha and Phongsaly and Plan’s target districts of Bokeo, Oudomxay and Salavanh to disseminate COVID-19 key messages including interpreting all the key messages in ethnic communities and promote through Community radios in each provinces and community loudspeakers in communities. This aims at targeting communities accessing information and key messages in order to increase prevention measures on the
- Collaborate to disseminate key health messages through Mobile SMS targeting provincial population
Location: Phongsaly, Luang Namtha, and Sekong Provinces
Duration: 45 days
SCALING -the SCALING project response on the COVID-19 outbreak
Key Activity:
- Provided the Protective Equipment for 21 health centers in 3 target districts (Sing, Long and Namtha districts, Luang Namtha province)
- Supported the trainings to 3 Community hospitals and 21 health centers on the COVID-19 Case management and close monitoring of the outbreak.
- Providing knowledge on preventing and understanding of COVID-19 pandemic in 12 target villages of Sing and Namtha districts along the border.
Location: Luang Namtha Province
MBZ- COVID-19 Prevention and Response in second round for 2 Districts of Sekong province
Key Activity
- Procurement and distribution of the EPP kits for the frontline health workers in Health Centers, District and provincial levels of target districts (Lamam and DarkCheung districts) Sekong province for 5 Months.
- Procurement and distribution of Hygiene kits for the communities and teenagers.
- Develop and raise the awareness on the COVID-19 prevention.
Location: Phongsaly, Luang Namtha, and Sekong Provinces
Duration: 45 days
Emergency Response to Drought in Attapeu Province
Objective: To assist the Government of Lao PDR in Attapeu Province to prevent new cases of acute malnutrition during the 2010-2011 planting season
Specific Goal: 4,300 of the most vulnerable households in Attapeu Province have received support to recover from the impact of the 2010 drought.
- At least 1,800 HH will have access to improved livelihoods with distribution of vegetable and rice seeds for the 2011 planting season, plus farming tool kits or fishing nets as needed.
- A minimum of 4300 HH receive hygiene kits (water storage, etc.) to improve access to clean water and reduce women’s workloads associated with household water management.
- At least 10 villages identified as extremely poor by the provincial authorities will have access to irrigation water system knowledge (water wheels) for small scale farming.
- Female headed HH and other vulnerable women in at least 2 villages are supported to develop resilient livelihood activities with help from CARE and the Lao Women’s Union.
Location: Phouvong, Sanamxay, Sanxay and Xaysettha Districts, Attapeu Province
Duration: 7 months (24 January – 31 August 2011)
Australian Humanitarian Partnership (AHP) Activation: Laos PDR Rapid Flood Response( temporary settle)
Key Activity;
- Support on the needs of the temporary schools for 2 temporary camps
- Support on the learning and teaching materials for the teachers
- Support on the schools reparation
- Support on the capacity building on the Emergency response
- Child friendly space for the children at the temporary camps
- Conduct the Gender analyse
Location: Sanamxay District, Attapue Province
Duration: 13 September 2018- 31 August 2019. Costs from 1 September may be included.