On October 01, 2022, we are very happy to have the opportunity to welcome Mr. Vincent Vire, Head of Cooperation, EU Delegation Lao PDR and together with EU Switch-Asia Programme, and Fairtrade Italia Delegation, came to visit the Dakcheung Highland Coffee product exhibition booth in the “Lao Coffee Culture Festival in 2022” which CARE International in Lao PDR has led the representatives of the ethnic women’s coffee production group under the Sustainable Production and Ethic Responsible & Women Empowered Coffee Value Chains in Lao PDR (SuPER WE Coffee) which funded by European Union.
This project is to develop and adopt more resource-efficient, gender inclusive and climate change resilient production in Lao PDR and increase their integration in a greener global value chain as specialty coffee market in Dakchueng District, Sekong Province.