CARE International in Lao PDR was honored to welcome donors from CARE Germany to visit the implementation of peer-to-peer education activities at the school and home levels and counseling services for the Promotion of Reproductive Maternal New-born Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH) Project at Tanuem Health Center in Lamam District, Xieng Luang Health Center and Xieng Luang Secondary School in Dak Cheung District, and Dak Triem Village in Dak Cheung District, all in Sekong Province. These activities are funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany.
The aim of this visit was to witness the implementation of the project’s activities, including discussing and sharing lessons learned from past implementation of activities, discussing plans for the project in the future, and listening to the needs of the community in order to help improve the project to be more suitable for the target areas.